Recovering company value

PradaGayoso is a firm that specializes in financial restructuring and works to protect, recover and enhance company value.


Specialists in critical situations

Advising companies in difficulty

We help companies that are facing adverse financial situations – from early stage businesses to restructuring plans and insolvency proceedings right through to potential liquidation situations.

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We’ve been helping companies prevent, manage and overcome financial crises since 1979.

Our economists and attorneys have successfully intervened in the main restructuring processes that have been undertaken in Spain.

Insolvency receivership

Our experience in corporate restructuring means we are able to manage bankruptcy proceedings flexibly for the benefit of all parties involved.

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Creditor protection

We represent the interests of companies affected by their clients’ insolvency, maximising the chances of recovering their receivables.

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Acquisition of assets

We provide complete legal and economic assistance to potential buyers of production units or singular assets subject to liquidation proceedings.

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When there’s no time to lose, experience combining an economic and legal perspective allows us to cut to the chase”. Francisco Prada

A team of
legal/economic experts

Led since 1979 by former Spanish Tax Administration inspector, auditor, economist and attorney Francisco Prada Gayoso, the firm relies on a group of specialists that is unique in Spain.

A multi-disciplinary vision

A pioneer in approaching insolvencies from a double economic and legal perspective, the firm relies on specialists in financial restructuring who have been working as a team for a long time using proven methods in some of the biggest business crisis processes in Spanish history.

The technical level of its professionals is outstanding in Spain and allows the firm to handle major business crises with a multi-disciplinary approach that enhances the likelihood of success.

The members of the team all bring prior experience as a tax administration inspector, trade law judge, bank auditor, expert witness in economic criminal proceedings, financial econometrics and, procedural expert.

PradaGayoso Office

The team works under the same management to ensure all the essential coordination, with next-generation technical resources.

The firm’s experts have been collaborating for more than forty years with court authorities as experts in proceedings involving economic crimes and business disputes. Its professionals are habitual speakers for post-graduate degree courses and congresses on insolvencies and have taught many training session son accounting and finance for magistrates and tax authorities.